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How to use your Bambook during game nights

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Who's keeping score?

How your Bambook can come in handy during game nights!

It's autumn again.. The leaves are falling from the trees, but the ones in your Bambook stay in place. So time to use them! We love playing board games at the office, especially when it’s dark and rainy outside and our Bambooks come in very handy. Curious how? Keep reading!

Deskbook bambook

Bambook Notepad: Drawing & guessing game 

1. Pictionary

Old but Gold: Pictionary! Your Bambook Notepad is ideal for this. An added advantage is that you can place the A4 format upright on the table. This way, everyone can clearly see what you are drawing. If you are playing with a large group, then the A3 format is even better. Finally, we recommend that you opt for the blank interior and use the M markers or the whiteboard markers.


notepad bambook

Bambook Notebook A4/A5/A6: drawing templates

2. Score block

You can easily retrace the scoreblocks of popular games in your Bambook Classic notebook. For example those from Yahtzee, Qwixx or Uno. With the felt tip on the back of your Bambook marker you can easily erase the numbers to use the template again and again.

Yathzee Bambook
Beverbende Bambook

3. Puzzling

You can also use your Bambook to solve puzzles from the newspaper, for example. Bambooker Ruurd explains: 'I made a grid of 9x9 and use it for the puzzles from the newspaper. Like the "greater than/less than" and the sudoku. With the first puzzle, this is because the boxes in the newspaper are far too small. And with the sudoku if the boxes become unreadable or I made a mistake. Just write and erase with the felt tip on the back of the pen!'

Newspaper puzzle
I use my Bambook to make puzzles from the newspaper. The boxes are often too small become illegible if I make a mistake. Now I just write and erase with the felt tip!
Ruurd de spelletjesman
Ruurd Bambooker

Bambook Flashcards

4. 30 seconds

Make your own version of 30 seconds? Use the Flashcards and let your creativity run wild.

5. DIY: memory

The holidays and the end of the year are slowly approaching. A nice idea; grab our erasable flashcards and make your own memory with the theme: memories from last year. Combine an event with a place, these form a set. Guaranteed a good game to reminisce about beautiful memories from last year. The Bambook flashcards are already lined, so you can write easily and neatly! If your handwriting is not so beautiful, you can also draw symbols. Use our s/m marker set for cheerful colours.

Bambook 30 seconds

Deskbook: put it in front of you!

6. Boggle

There are games in which you have to write something down during the game. Boggle is one of them!
Our Deskbook is ideal for this. You can easily place the narrow format in front of you, without it taking up the entire table.

7. Darts

Your Deskbook also comes in handy for a classic game of darts. The vertical direction of the dart scoreboard fits perfectly. 

All notebooks and games




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